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"On the Way to Red Square exceeds the boundaries it has created for itself: between the private and the political, the everyday and the theatrical, love and alienation, informers and their victims, life and death, joy and sadness, Russians and foreigners, 'us' versus 'them.'"
Olga Meerson, Professor of Russian, Georgetown University
"Julieta Rodrigues has neatly captured the gray, gritty, every-day essence of life in the Soviet Union that I saw in the early 1980s. From the snowy and dismal streets to the bath houses and garish hotels, she has preserved lost fragments of communist Moscow in her amber stories."
Ambassador Jon Purnell
"In a book as teeming with characters as a nineteenth century Russian novel, we accompany Laura, narrator and protagonist, through gripping stories: the angry young man in 'Caged,' living in a cramped collective where people must line up to use the toilet; the power-abusing official in 'Glass Silhouettes,' obsessed with her collection of miniatures; and, in 'New Year's Eve at the Praga,' an enigmatic blonde dancing alone, as intriguing and ambiguous to the little band of Americans as is Moscow itself.
Julieta Rodrigues reminds me of Chekhov."
Robbie Murphy, Best American Short Stories (under the name of Roberta Gupta)