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Drawing Dusk is a hymn to the Unesco World Heritage Site of Sintra and its surrounding hills. A Friend of Monserrate, Julieta Almeida Rodrigues shares with vivid mastery the pleasures of living in the region, the beauty of wandering around it at leisure, and the special lightness of its pure air.
Sintra captivates my heart, always. Reading Drawing Dusk, I hear birds sing, I see cats, butterflies and daturas, and I smell the wild flowers by the roaring sea. Both neighbors and sisters in feeling, we are mesmerized by the everlasting power of nature.
With Drawing Dusk, nature turns into a piece of art.


Dinah Azevedo Neves, President, Friends of Monserrate


Drawing Dusk is a Sintra version, abbreviated, of the famed work, A Cidade e as Serras, de Eça de Queiróz.


José Gregório Faria, Ambassador of Portugal


Drawing Dusk is an alluring text by Julieta Almeida Rodrigues, written with a magic wand. You will be carried away by sights, sounds, smells, fears and wonders. The writer's unique voice allows your imagination to fly on the wings of some mysterious creature to capture a world of veiled enchantments.
A splendor, well worth taking home after a visit to Sintra and its lovely surroundings. You will be back, for sure!


The late Ana Vicente, Writer and Women's Rights Activist



In her reverie, Julieta Almeida Rodrigues shares with us the elusive magic of Sintra.


Professor Gina Luria Walker, The New School.
